Finally: Secrets of the Wonderland

Haha. I said soon. Who am I fooling at this point? The Garden Party was amazing. Although my friends and I arrived 2 hours after it had started, there was still free food, drinks, snacks, and other attractions left for us to enjoy.

I will try sum up that amazing evening as unconfusingly as possible. (not guaranteed)

When we arrived the first thing we did was to queue for food. Free hotdogs, burgers, and crepes… what a perfect start of a near perfect night! After successfully eating a hotdog (and when I say successful I mean without getting ketchup and mustard all over our dresses) a friend and I went to try croquet which became quite boring after some time as we were unable to get the ball in the direction be wanted it to go. The live band played great songs everyone knew and we were having a great time enjoying free ice cream,  colourful drinks, and a warm evening. The college also had arranged a chess board with figures 1/2 metres high. Indoors we could not only enjoy  a chocolate fountain with strawberries, marshmallows, and fudges, but also a table full of different sweets, and a corner with all sorts of teas (for those of you who forgot: there was a tea party in Alice in Wonderland 😉 ). In the dining hall they had put up a Casino. I went there twice: first with my friend L. to play Blackjack and the second time with a guy studying veterinary medicine I met at the Party. It was great: You didn’t have to spent money and were provided with a certain amount of poker chips. Every time you weren’t lucky, you could just go and get more of them. The first time I went, L. and I were that good that when we didn’t want to play anymore, we had to go all in.. in a game we were bound to lose.

I am sure you are wondering most about why I spent so much time on the toilet when I don’t drink? It seems that a few people don’t know when they have had enough alcohol… and one of those people happened to be a friend from college. She had been dancing around wildly before, singing at the top of her lungs, and had kissed at least one straight female friend of ours, and one not so straight male friend of ours, which is extremely interesting because usually she dislikes body contact. 😛

Anyway… she ended up sleeping on the toilet. AND NOW KIDS LISTEN CLOSELY, BECAUSE YOU DON’T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN TO YOU! Fortunately, she was able to unlock the door before she doze off; I don’t even want to think about what could have happened if she hadn’t. For a long time we weren’t even sure whether she was conscious or not. She vomited all over the place and I and  few other closer friends who happened to be there tried to keep her as …hmmm… responding as possible. After an hour we called an ambulance, but at that time most of use were already soaked in a pool of sick. We tried to pull up her pants and trousers to keep at least a bit of her dignity for when she was carried out and to the ambulance by two of the stronger guys. I was told that in the morning she called a friend from the hospital: She called her a good friend as was sorry that we missed out on a lot of things at the Party because of her. LET THAT BE A LESSON TO YOU, KIDS! 😉

Later that night we went to the Silent Disco. I had never been to a silent disco, but I can tell you that they are awesome! You get headphones and the music is played only through the headphones. Our headphones had two channels and they played a variety of music genres: pop, rock, oldies,… and the best part is that you can choose the volume yourself! No tinnitus, yay! Normal conversation is also possible, you just have to take of your headphones. I am telling you… this is the future! 😛

At 2 or 3 in the morning, as the music was getting more and more techno and less and less “danceable”, I decided to go home to get some sleep.

It was an incredible night, with all my friends, lots and lots of fantastic attractions, delicious hotdogs, colourful drinks & sweets, and good music. I want to go again… well maybe next year 😉